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Equine Photography & Covid-19

There is no doubt that the photography industry will have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, with the primary issues being photographers unable to be about in society doing what they do … taking photographs. In many instances this is arguably more about complying with the spirit of the ‘stay at home’ policy, than it is about being able to carry out work and maintain social distancing.

In the first instance, there was no doubt a fear factor, along with a lack of knowledge, meant the natural and sensible thing to do was to think about putting things on hold. Then the lock-down, which removed any indecision, and a lot of photographers conceding to the fact that they would not be picking up their cameras for a while, and clients left wondering when they would get their shoot.

Equine Photography Outdoors

With booked photo shoots postponed and fewer enquiries, it’s been a time to get onto those to-do-list jobs … the ones we never quite get round to, such as getting time to write a blog! However, thoughts are now turning to what the future landscape might be in the ‘new-normal’ world that will be with us for the foreseeable future.

We are hoping to encourage any clients feeling unable to book, due to the current instability, that it’s still OK to think about and enquire about having a photo shoot. It’s always best to plan ahead anyway, as it can take a little while to get things organised for a shoot. So, even though the stay-at-home restrictions haven’t yet been lifted, we would be excited to discuss your requirements.

We’ll be providing information and assurance about our working practices, in advance of our photo shoots. We have always provided prep notes in advance of the shoot date and will be updating this to include specifics to cover any additional safety measures for Covid-19.

Horse Photography

With social distancing being a primary consideration, we are fortunate that equine photo shoots are likely to be easier than some photography sectors. Plus, being in the outdoors makes life simpler. We know, for our shoots, we carry out the work with a natural social distancing anyway. Considering that most people will have got into the swing the basics, we envisage there will be a spirit of cooperation, and we’ll be able to protect or clients and ourselves during the shoot.

The checklist will likely include considerations for the location where your horse is kept. We’d expect, where horses are kept on a yard, that some prior communication would be needed to ensure we all comply with any local requirements, as well as providing the yard owners with our procedures, if we are coming onto the yard for the shoot.

Those summer coats are coming through now, and we’re looking forward to getting back in action soon.

Horse Photography Outdoors

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